The Christian Carnival is a monthly collection of some of the best posts of the Christian blogosphere. It's open to Christians of Protestant, Orthodox, and Roman Catholic convictions. We invite submissions from bloggers and readers, and collate the submitted posts into one big round-up (or "carnival") the first Wednesday of every month. It is also called a carnival because it is hosted at a new blog every month. One of the goals of this carnival is to offer our readers a broad range of Christian thought. This is a great way to make your writing more well known and perhaps pick up some regular readers.
The Christian Carnival was founded January 21, 2004 by Nick Queen of Patriot Paradox. He passed the baton to Dory at Wittenberg Gate February 14, 2005. When Dory had to go offline in early 2007, several hands picked up different tasks on the Carnival in about April of 2007. For a while those hands belonged to Jeremy Pierce of Parableman, who recently handed things over to Maryann Spikes of Ichthus77, Diane Roberts of Crossroads, and Rey Reynoso of Bible Archive, dividing up the various tasks that go into making the Christian Carnival happen every week. The carnival went from weekly to monthly in August of 2012. As of January 2014, the Christian Carnival is on hiatus until further notice.
Contact: Maryann
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